Here's What I Have to Say

Friday, July 21, 2006

Shitty Jobs

Sitting at work today I've had plenty of time to think about work....not actually working but thinking about working. To me there are two main categories of horrid jobs: 1) summer jobs and 2) lifelong jobs. These two categories exist separate from what is labeled as the career category because that is a whole other story in itself. I think everyone has had their share of jobs they disliked and dreaded during the summer months in between semesters of college to pay the bills or just to have something to do. In my case it has been to scrape by paying the bills by doing the summer jobs that no one wants to do in the summer or any other time of the year. This brings me to my first temp job.

After several summers spent working in restaurants, retail, and a few stints lifeguarding and painting houses I wanted a 9-5 job with no weekends or holidays. I also didn't want to have to find someone to replace my shift if I wanted time off. Well, now that I've pursued my first summer office job I've realized that it doesn't matter the's still a rarity to find a non-shitty summer job. Hmmm.....maybe I should just give in and accept that fact. I guess it all comes down to the fact that I'm ready to have my career already. Now that I know what I want to do with my life I don't want to waste my time with jobs to pass the time before I get my final degree. I guess I have to look on the bright side least I have about 20 jobs I know I don't want to ever have again....and I know that without those jobs I would never really appreciate what I have decided to do as a career.


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